The Power of Music

One of the happiest moments of my life occurred very recently. I was sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris with my friend Kaitlyn. I was already extremely excited to be in Paris, a place I never thought I’d actually go, but the feeling that came over me while drinking wine at 7:30pm, watching the lights glisten off of the Eiffel Tower, while listening to the song ‘Paris’ by the 1975, had to be one of the best feelings I have ever experienced.

We sat on the cold grass swaying back and forth while singing each and every word to the song, and the only word I could think of to describe that experience was euphoric. I did not just feel happy, it was a feeling that is hard to even put into words. I just sat there realizing how lucky I am to be living this life, and I never wanted to leave that exact moment.

Life passes by so quickly right before our very eyes, and I was desperately clinging onto the 4 minutes and 53 seconds that I had in that exact moment listening to the powerful words of the 1975, feeling something that I would never truly feel again.

The thing about this song is that it is so upbeat, but the lyrics are quite sad. There are references to cheating, cutting wrists, overdosing, and the realization that everyone is ultimately just the same. The great thing about the 1975 is that their lyrics can be humorous, quite depressing, but also relay a greater message regarding equality and the harsh realities of the world in which we live in today, all in the same song.

Music has the ability to allow people to feel a sense of connection. When you listen to a song that you find relatable to your own life, or to your own personal struggles, you connect with something or someone, and in some cases, you feel less alone. Music puts feelings, emotions, and experiences that you cannot find the right words to describe into words for you.

I have never been a very creative or artistic person, but for most of my life I have relied on music for connection to others, and for coping with whatever I am going through. Music, no matter what genre, has the ability to bond people together, remind people of a specific time in their past, and help people come to terms with their emotions. Music also has the great power to extend universal messages regarding understanding, equality, love, friendship, and so much more.

Gifts From Galway

Whenever you ask someone about their experience studying abroad a common theme is always change. Learning to accept change, cope with change, and even changing as a person. It is hard to truly understand what people mean without living through a similar experience, but now I understand.

Change, growth, independence, and joy are all words that I would use to describe my experience abroad.

  1. Change. This is, of course, a given. You are traveling alone to another country and living on your own, for maybe, the first time ever, obviously your life is going to change! You will quickly be immersed into a completely different culture, and you will eventually learn to accept and embrace this different culture. In my opinion, you will grow to love the culture for opening your mind up to a different way of life.
  2. Growth.  I believe that change and growth are often linked together. When faced with great change, you can either resist this change or you can accept this change, and grow from that acceptance.
  3. Independence. Growing as a person often leads to gaining maturity along with independence. This is a big one for me because I have always been so dependent on my twin sister, Meghan. This experience has forced me out of my comfort zone, and it has forced me to become comfortable and confident in my own skin. Finding a feeling of comfort and happiness within myself is something that I am truly grateful for.
  4. Joy. Last but not least, joy. The best gift that studying abroad has given me is unexplainable joy. It is hard to describe that feeling that hits you like a wave of happiness and excitement when being introduced to new places, cultures, and people for the very first time. It is like having a permanent smile on your face, and I believe that it is something that you can only find by traveling abroad.

Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to become less judgmental and more open to new ideas and cultures. You realize that although people may have different ways of life, the way that people feel and love is the same no matter where you go. It gives you the opportunity to meet people that you would have never had the opportunity to meet, including locals and life long friends from other parts of the US.

Studying abroad has given me the gift of truly discovering who I am as a person, which is hard to fully understand unless you live it. I have learned the power of living in the moment, the ability to stay positive and look on the bright side of every situation, the power of putting yourself out there without the fear of rejection, and the ability to open up your mind to new and different ways of life.

All of these valuable gifts that studying abroad has given me have helped change my outlook on life. Before going abroad I struggled with anxiety, the fear of being judged, often comparing myself to others which made me struggle with confidence, and I allowed the little things to ruin my mood, and even my day. Although some of these struggles, such as anxiety, are still prevalent in my everyday life, I am no longer consumed by these other negative thoughts.

I have changed, grown, become more independent, and I have found so much joy because of my decision to study abroad, and for that I am truly thankful.

Coping With Stress and Anxiety in College

College is something that every adult raves about. All you hear as a teen is that “college is the best four years of your life!” Well, sometimes I feel inclined to disagree. I know this might sound shocking to some, but there are a lot of things about college that I’m not so fond of.

College brings out the best and the worst of me. I work hard and it has paid off so far, but I have a strong tendency to gravitate towards stress and anxiety. Living a healthy lifestyle is about more than just nutrition and exercise, it also has a lot to do with mental wellness. Lately, I’ve been struggling to cope with the increasing amounts of stress that college has brought me.

I find myself crying at the end of some days because I am constantly worrying about financing my study abroad program for next semester, doing well in my classes, doing well at work, saving money, and so on. The problem is that I don’t need to be worrying as much as I do, I need to just do the best that I can, and know that my best is good enough.

Right now college is strange for me because I’m stuck between wanting to go back in time and wanting to graduate and move on with my life. I feel like I’m in this weird in between stage that I don’t know how to handle. Next year will be much better for me because I am studying abroad in Ireland in the fall, and then I am (finally) living in an apartment in the spring. Living in my own apartment and having my own personal space will finally make me feel independent, and I will have the freedom to cook my own meals and have my own bathroom. I know that these little things will make me much happier in the long run.

BUT don’t get me wrong, at the end of the day I know that I am happy to be a college student at UNH, but sometimes I allow my stress and anxiety to get the best of me. Living with anxiety is not enjoyable, and I’ve finally decided to accept it and really do something about it. I am starting to take all natural medication that is supposed to help me relax, and if that is not helping me, I am planning to visit my Doctor at home. Here are some tips that I am trying in order to cope with stress and anxiety, I hope they can be beneficial for others as well!


1. Be Mindful. Make a conscious effort to be mindful, and live in the present moment instead of worrying about the past or the future. This can be difficult because in this day and age people never really live in the present moment when they are always on their phones, or in my case, worrying. Just start to pay close attention to everything you do from washing your hands to eating, this will make everything you do more meaningful.

2. Do Something You Love Everyday. What makes you happy? Is it exercising, watching your favorite tv show, hanging out with friends? Whatever it is, DO IT! Personally, I love being by myself and listening to music. I love discovering new music, it helps me relieve stress and tension, and it makes me happy. I listen to music for at least an hour at night to help me unwind and fall asleep.

3. Know Your Limits. You know yourself better than anyone, so listen to your body. If you feel exhausted, stop studying and go to bed. If something that you are doing is overwhelming you and causing stress, cut back on that activity. Constantly pushing yourself to your limits can only harm your mental wellness in the long run.

4. Know When to Ask For Help. This can be hard for people to accept, and it is definitely hard for me to do. If you feel as though your stress level is increasing and that it is out of your control, talk to someone, anyone. I personally talk to my mom because she knows me the best. I also plan on talking to someone through the counseling center at my school to get an outside perspective on my own mental wellness. And let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with that! It can be really valuable to here another opinion, and get an experts advice.

College should be one of the best times in your life, but it will not always be that way. My advice to you is to do everything you can to stay balanced and happy while in college. There is no better time than now to discover yourself, and discover a balanced lifestyle.